Saturday, July 26, 2014

What are the forces that move us? Willpower vs. Enthusiasm

push force - Willpower- We have to push ourselves whether we like to do something or not. This takes a great amount of energy, which can drain you mentally. At some point, the energy and power wears out.

                                             There are forces to push and/or pull us.( gif)

Pull force- Enthusiasm
This force pulls you forward. It is towards something you are passionate about and does not take that much energy. In a way, it is a force of attraction.
 In order to really get this train going, you must start off with 0 or a flat line.
That means if you are negative, you must be positive. Bringing positivity comes from your change of attitude. I know it all falls back on attitude.

Most of the time I try to use the pull force. It is better if you work smarter than harder. Or you should work hard the right way.

In the end, it is up to us what forces we allow to influence us. 

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