Friday, January 24, 2014

What can a normal guy in his 20s with a great deal of debt and problems do ?

 I have a found a way you can do it from home. 

 We need to listen to this !!!!

                 I am Sam, someone who has to take care himself and his family. I genuinely want to retire my parents. When my mom goes to work her legs and hands hurt. That is the motivation that keeps me going. Everyday is a fight. I get better every day . My fight is less brutal. 
          I come to understand I am getting much stronger. I have changed and I am a completely different breed of thinking. It's much easier to deal with relationships , work and personal life. I started reading John C Maxwell's The Complete 101 collection: What every leader needs to know. It highlights that you need to make 20% effort to get 80% of results, but it has to be something  that increases your potential by 80%, so things you need focus on are the priority tasks. My 20% of the priority list is also searching to find a solution to resolve my problems. 

-- but what are my reasons for doing it. 

I will tell you momentarily…

 First---->    I will relist that I want to retire my parents.  They have put their sweat and blood on bringing me up. 

Second---> I want to unleash my hands from shackles of financial instability
       - debt
       - student loans
       - and to top it off. I can't pursue my dreams of becoming a doctor or the choices I want in life.

Third----> And I have a brother who is almost like my son who's education I wanted to pay off. He's fighting for himself. 

I need a vehicle that will drive me into the track of success. 
   ----------Affiliate marketing----------------
        I have started researching this whole new world that is ignored by us everyday people because of the unrealized potential.
I started seeing figures like  Jaden Easton Ellett making a great deal of money.  (whisper) It almost seems like money is falling from the sky :).  He has great posture showing he is successful. His website reflects that he thinks like a true entrepreneur. I would check his website out !!!  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Is Perception reality?!!!

 You see figures like Imran Khan, punjabi artist, in Lamborghini's in music videos. Just rocking big in life!! 

        I see as a common trend we invest in certain tools that allows us to seem wealthy. Wealthy looks attracts more wealth. I see that is the underlying thought process of entrepreneurs in this world. We all need to embrace this mentality in order to unleash us from the shackles of these big companies that just use us to complete their vision. 
      He started off singing in his first song Ni Nachleh with confidence that any artist starts off. It is the attitude that hooks people's attention and it just pulls people into a reality where people want to listen to you.  Adding cars, girls and other people just adds a new level of attraction, which people want to be a part of.  Of yeah Snakes around necks too!! That is something I would not want to do LOL!!
       We need to understand how we can relate to artist around us and build our success based on the steps they have taken and not reinvent the wheel. You rather work smarter not harder, by working with a model that has already been proven. You want to make music videos to start to let others know who you are. You need to expose yourself to the world. The responses you get should set you up for success. You have to tweak your flaws up every time to fine tune your skill set to the being you want to be. 
         You have to understand this requires :a great attitude, proper timing, preparation,  having a great work ethic , working your full realm, maintaining the attitude you start off with, having a reason why you are doing this and controlling your own opportunity. 
         Let me ask you guys how are you going to implement this.