Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How do you get motivated when times are tough in life?

            Motivation in today’s era can be really difficult during the tough times in life. The perfect ideal world is where things are just given to you. You get the perfect car (Audi R8), the perfect house (big mansion) and the perfect girl.  Of course, the reality is we have to work for this. If things were just given to you, life would be boring, dull and tasteless. But in reality, we live in a life with long drives in traffic or a jammed train system, and pockets are shallow to not support even the most basic of needs. This constant struggle leaves a grand frown on your face. If you perceive yourself as having the ideal world, then you will be happy. What you perceive can be different from the barren land, but your perception can help you set you in the right direction. Your perception is brightened by your attitude.  With focus, goals and a great group of friends, you can take your vehicle on a great path through the tough times. 

Attitude is the partner of motivation.

          With a great mindset or attitude you can go forward.  Attitude or the way you perceive the world can have a great effect on the way you talk and walk.  In slang terms,  we  call it “swagger”. Attitude is a lending hand to motivation. When you lose your attitude, it is hard to motivate yourself.  According to my medical knowledge, the prefrontal cortex is the faculty of the brain that gives you motivation. It creates the internal light. There are some great tips you can use to maintain your attitude and cuddle this rejuvenating light.  
                                                           Attitude is a helping hand for motivation.
                           source: (

I know you guys are curious to know more about what this attitude exactly is. To find out more about attitude, click on  Attitude.   How do you get motivated when the times are tough?  This question is  very important. When times are tough, we fall down a thousand times.  We have to act like a brother or father to pick us back up.  I know I have fallen down many times and lifted myself up. You not only have to have a great attitude, but you must maintain it consistently. In order to do that you have to understand your psychology, what things you say or do has a positive effect on your mind. For example, I walk like a Tom Cruise and talk like an astounding motivational speaker. These patterns of walking and talking  positively feeds into your mind creating a positive state of mind. Let me unleash some great techniques that I have been using.  Here find out more about these techniques by clicking on the following hyperlink:  Maintenance of attitude.

                                        The internal light( motivation) comes from the prefrontal cortex.


You do need to focus to get things accomplished in your life  in the worst of times.  You have to be present in time and operate with great optimism.  When you are not focused, you are way off from your target. Indifference and mentality are other great things that help in focusing.   Indifference  is when you are non-reactive to any sort  of stimulus whether it's something that is saddening or makes you smile. 
Here is more information on Focus.  

 Goals are essentials to get yourself going.
The origin of this motivation comes from goals. When we have set goals or things we want to accomplish, time is worth it. Setting goals aid in the management of time and energy. This is what drives us or gets us closer to the end of what we want. The curiousity   as to where you see yourself  in 5 or 10 years is the energy  that pushes you along the way. So go home tonight  or if you are already  sitting at your table at home, write  down goals.  You want to take care of each day. A plan of goals makes a  productive day. Big tough times seem small when you get rid of tasks or errands one at a time. You have to comprehend the logic  that a  large piece is a sum of many  small pieces. If you see everything in life with this logical reasoning, grand things in life will seem miniature. 
                                                                         Goals are achieved one step at time. 

Circle of Influence
You also need a positive circle of influence  or the type of people you can assocate yourself with. The circle of influence  is like the ground for growth.You want to become like these individuals because they have conditioned  themselves not to hold on to bad habits and make great habits. Theses individuals know that these great habits help them in the long run.  We can grow with them at a personal level, become  social beings and gain the understanding  to find solutions to problems.  You become a product of the great habits you picked up. It allows to cope with the challenges of the tough times.  Lets take this for example:  I used to spend money without thinking about it. As a result, that financially set me back. With my group of friends, I learned how to budget and manage money. 
                                                          You need help to get through these rough times. 

All in all,  attitude, focus, goals and circle of influence  allows smooth sailing through the tough times.
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