Sunday, June 1, 2014

Who Are Bloggers?

Figuring us out

           We are normal people. You may be not know us. We probably have crossed your paths.  You are an individual who like to share ideas. Creating some idea from something non-physical is our way of thinking. Mental images or ideas  come to life like dreams become reality.  We like to share videos, images, techniques or ideas, so that facilitates people's lives. Who are bloggers? You would like to know , right?!!!  So stick around. 

Bloggers are normal looking people like this. See who I am
through my google profile on the right side of the page( or click here). 

Why do we seek these ideas?

            We like people to be benefited somehow.  This life is filled with positives and negatives.  Our lives are not so much consumed by positives because they just come our ways. We are obsessed with not getting passed negatives or the struggles because  we do not redirect  our focus to finding a solution. We like to discuss solutions according to problems we tackled. The network of ideas are great as a source or reservoir of solutions. The bottom line is that we are problem solvers.

Bloggers are problems solvers. This does not mean we focus on numbers,
 but more on problems  that do not allow us to go forward in life. 

 Personality of a blogger

               From personality,  we are the same as someone like your brother, father, son or etc.  We are diverse as personas you notice in real life.  We have normal moods or feelings.  We feel anger, happiness, sadness or whatever the feeling maybe . We are humorous, or mischievous. In writing,  you can find out our personality through writing style. I know  throughout  my blogs that I like to use metaphor and similes. I like to add flavor  or spices into my blog. Until a cook does not add spice, he feels like something is missing. Also, I like to use humor via pictures  and examples I use.
               This perception of blogger personality is hidden because we do not have a face-to-face chat. In today's world, we should incorporate videos because they allow others to see who you are. Show your emotions and humor. To admit something, I am a shy character on camera, but my job is to expand  my comfort zone. You will be expecting videos in the future from me, but for now you can check my video below.
                                           This video focuses on comfort zone.
As a blogger , what would you use or are currently using? I would really like to get to know you.  I like uniques writing style in the blogging community. Please place some links in the comment section below. Who are you as a blogger? 

              Plus videos build trust. Videos are an interactive media. Interactions equal engagements.  When we engage in a conversation with each other, we create that rapport.  Rapports can be as solid as  great relationships (what is a great relationship?) you have with your family or friends.

              Can you start blogging? Yes you can!! 
              Who can stop you from sharing or contributing  your own ideas? You are a captain of your own ship or car. Your license to the car is your first step of writing your thoughts on paper. If you carry yourself with a great attitude (what is great attitude?) , then you can get this done. When you have an idea, just start writing it down. Do not let it escape.
See this. I just start scribbling on paper. And
it came to life on my blog on (hubpages on comfort zone).
Operating as a blogger
             Write down your notions when you mental channels are unblocked.  When the channels are blocked , I usually write my struggles that I deal with in life. Then along sides the problems, I point to a solution. I walk around or separate myself from the place of work. I jog so that the blood flows all over my body. When blood circulates  through your brain, your mind gets active. Right after returning from jogging, you wan to capture  everything on paper. From there, you want to brainstorm  ideas.  An idea is analogous to a seed. When the seed is sown, a stem starts growing .  The stem grows branches, which represent the brainstormed ideas. You do not have to focus so much on grammar, syntax and the minor parts of writing at first. This type of refinement can be left for the end. For now, focus on generating bullet ideas from the main idea. It happens sometimes you can come to an abrupt halt. It almost feels like your brain is drained.

This is what I exactly was talking above. Write down
you struggles.(problem column). Right next find a possible

This video is complementary to this blog.  Please also follow my 
youtube channel by click the Subscribe button on the upper right
hand corner of the video. 

To get more useful tips and blogs in the future, please follow me by email.( It's in the upper right hand corner of the page.)

As a blogger, I would like to share other useful information, which you can either find on the right panel of this website or on my hubpages website
or you can click the following hyperlinks

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