Is it bothering you too?!!
Is being persistent difficult?
1 . You:Yes It is !
Me: Great! That means you will be happy to find out some useful tool.
2. No I am the beast of persistence, but I will still want to know what you got to say.
Tools you need to deal with the long wait.
These are the following things you need to master persistence:
1 Great Attitude-
You want to have the best view of the thing, person or situation. Persistence can start affecting people because it is a test of time period in the hope that something will come around. When you have a great attitude, you see how the long wait will be ending soon. In this way, you encourage yourself from moment-to-moment. To gain a better understanding of this entity called attitude, click on this hyper link: Attitude is how you visualize things around you.
2. Clarity of thought
- When the mind is filled with many thoughts , you do not know what to handle. Momentarily, you want to forget everything . Obviously , it will fill up like a glass of water. Something that is once filled must be emptied. Once, there is mental clarity start focusing on a couple of tasks you want to pursue.
Mental clarity can allow you to have a great focus. It leaves you smiling because you are not disturbed by many unnecessary thoughts . Source( |
3. Maintain that great attitude.
We might get pumped up at the beginning of our trip of persistence. We are upbeat and friendly , but that fire goes down . You need to rekindle that same fire. Devising mental tricks would be the best way to conquer your attitude. Maintaining that tempo at the beginning of the day does not daunt you from opportunities that must be handled the right way in the journey of persistence.
What are the mental tricks?
A. You want to make commands for your mind.
When it comes to negative thoughts or doubts, you want to say :"SAM stop thinking about that." In your case, say John, Sara, or whoever. Definitely say your name in the command because you want to move yourself. You are your own sergeant.
eg. You want to approach a speaker after a speech or the love or your life. Negative thoughts such as the speaker is too good and I can not approach him arises. With the command system, you crush the negatives there.
Doubts or so many unknowns create the same effect as negative thoughts. When you are not sure about things around you, you have no certainty within yourself. I usually say " SAM if you do not know what's the matter, what is the point of thinking about it. This last technique is extremely effective because I am able to bring my attitude back up. When you feel pressure building up on you or you need control over something, you tell yourself: "SAM slow down". You will have to go against the happenings in your life.
You need to command yourself.
B. You want to have a great story.
You want to have a great story . This story is not any normal story, but the character of the story is someone you want to become. These are self-affirmations : you start breathing, feeling, eating ,drinking or etc. with that perspective in mind. You want to do it so many times in the mirror that the person on paper becomes alive. To find out more ideas on maintaining your attitude, click this hyperlink
This is the story I read in the mornings to get myself going.
picture is on the computer.
4. Have goals and dreams. Know where you are going or what your purpose is.
Your goals are what creates the focal point for your life. This is what allows you to look forward. When goals are put in place, we manage life with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm generates mental and physical energy that aid in moving forward with excitement . My why or purpose in life is more of an emotional tie. When your reason has a deep root, you carry out actions without a thought. My deep root comes from relieveing my parents of their jobs. They have sweated and bled for me in their lives working to give us a living. I want them to be free from all this and to do whatever that they want to do. I want to help my brother Gagan finish his architectural degree. I want to finish up my degree of medicine . I see that I own a hospital that is a huge infrastructure and right at the bottom in the front parking lot I stand there. I am next to my Audi R8 in white panels. There are a couple of spots open so that nobody crashes into my car. I have a huge mansion with many bedrooms, bathrooms , entertainment room, and a circular fountain in the front with a circular driveway around it. I am on my yacht sitting on my lawn chair in my trunk shorts. My beautiful girlfriend hands me the corona beer. This full picture of what I want keeps me going.
This is how I want the Audi R8 to look like and it keeps me going.
Implementing tools
Out of the four tools, which have started using already?
1. Great attitude
2. Clarity of mind
3. Maintenance of great attitude
4. Have goals and dreams.
2. Make a list of some of your tools that help you become persistent in life. ( in comment section- (The answer does not have to be too long.)
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