Sunday, February 2, 2014

Are there easy ways for women to lose weight?


          This is Sam. I am a health enthusiast. I have some medical background from St. Eustasius. I like to help in the cause of health because that is my main focus in life. If you are a woman who has been struggling trying to lose weight, you have come to right place.  You have probably tried to lose weight many ways. And I know you have tried all the techniques, exercises and formulations, but no luck. I want to tell you one of the easy ways for women to lose weight. You must realize the real reason why you do not conform to working out and taking dieting plans.

        Your struggles lie in the two aspects of body maintaining: the doubt of whether a work out works or  targets the certain areas of the body women want to lose weight and the diet aspect.  Let’s look at the two before I come to what can really help…. THE SECRET WEAPON !!!J

          In today’s fast paced world, we do not have the time to spend on laborious actions such as working out for long periods of time. We want result of weight loss to happen in a short period. You want your workouts to be more focused on target areas. I am pretty sure, ladies you have had that feeling where you have pushed yourself to workout, but you constantly doubt will this exercise work or not. You do the work outs for a couple of days. And then you just cave in. … lol You give all together.  Or it’s just that you have caused wear and tear in your body from the aimless workouts and you do not feel like working out anymore.  


            Second, when it comes losing weight women go for the wrong diets or the low carb diets. These types of diets are detrimental to the body. They cut out all the carbs and eat meat. People misconceive this concept just because the diet is low carb does not mean you cut all the carbs out of the diet. These types of diet lead to carb crashes. In this case, women just give up. This diet also restricts the fat intake. When fats are withheld from the diet, you get really hungry. The feeling of starvation can hold you back from going forwards. This diet gets difficult because they get rid of vegetables and fibers. Some women think just because it’s a low carb diet they can eat in plentiful amounts.
            There is also a mental component to diet. Some women are not able to maintain using a specific healthy diet regime just because they have bad habits that are not allowing them to make new good habits. For example, you can see this when women on the diet do not stop themselves from eating from the vending machine. The bad habit is eating from the vending machine and the good habit is sticking with the diet. Women can stop eating a regime because a wide variety of dishes that are not included in the category. Having to eat the same thing everyday makes it boring. I completely understand where women are coming from because if I had to eat that same food all the time there would be no flavor in your life. 

            Seconds before we jump into what you have been waiting for ladies, we have to tell you that there are differences between the way fat is store in and fat is metabolized or broken down in women and men. Our main concern is fat metabolism since we are here to learn about weight loss. This happens by the breakdown of fats in certain storage sites such as the fat cells and liver cells. There are two enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of fats: HSL( hormone sensitive lipase) and LPL( lipoprotein lipase).  HSL is our main focus because this is what releases the fat from the actual fat cells. This enzyme is activated by the hormone epinephrine, which has two types α and β. However, the process lipolysis or fat breakdown occurs through β epinephrine. The difference comes in where most of the fat cells genetically lie in men and women. In men, it’s in the abdominal area and heavily susceptible to be activating by β epinephrine. In women, it’s the hip and thigh areas and receptor, sites where the hormone lands to activate it, are less sensitive to β epinephrine. (Figure 1) Hence, it is much harder for women to lose weight than men.


Now is probably the time I can reveal you the secret or the solution you were looking for.. are your ears open?  J

 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VENUS FACTOR<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Worlds Apart — Men, Women, and Their Approach to Weight Loss
By Mary Kaye Sawyer-Morse, PhD, RD, LD
Today’s Dietitian
Vol. 9 No. 1 P. 50 shtml